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SGN Natural Gas supports National Energy Action’s Fuel Poverty Awareness Day

SGN Natural Gas supports National Energy Action’s Fuel Poverty Awareness Day

Posted: 02 Dec, 2022

On Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, SGN Natural Gas fully supports the important messaging conveyed by National Energy Action (NEA) as millions struggle to stay warm this winter.

SGN Natural Gas supports Fuel Poverty Awareness Day
The unprecedented nature of the ongoing energy crisis has resulted in the average annual bill almost doubling, and with the price cap set to increase from April, levels of fuel poverty will continue to rise throughout the UK.
Domestic customers in Northern Ireland are hit particularly hard by spiralling costs. 68% of households in the region still rely on home heating oil, which is the largest percentage anywhere in Western Europe. As this fuel is unregulated, those using it are particularly exposed to sharper, more frequent price increases.
The threat of fuel poverty is also heavily impacting the mental wellbeing of people in Northern Ireland. 75% of NI householders said they were stressed, anxious or worried about paying for the cost of energy in these cold winter months. To help combat this, 80% of householders in the region said they had rationed their central heating to help reduce costs. (Source: representative polling of over 2,000 households).

For those wishing to make the switch to natural gas but worried about heightened expenditure, funding from the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme (NISEP) 2022-23 remains available for customers in the SGN Natural Gas network area, which can help convert low-income households to natural gas central heating, including insulation and energy efficiency measures. Both fully funded and 50% cashback grants are available for eligible households. Customers can phone SGN Natural Gas for free on 0800 975 7774 to make an enquiry.
David Butler, Director of SGN Natural Gas, commented: “The energy and cost-of-living crises we are currently experiencing continue to have a detrimental impact on the health of thousands throughout our network area.
“Everyone has a right to warmth, particularly in these cruel winter months, and the number of vulnerable households is on the rise.
“As a company, we remain eager to highlight fuel poverty, and the great work done by NEA around Fuel Poverty Awareness Day outlines the damning consequences for those unable to adequately heat their homes.
“SGN Natural Gas will continue to encourage residents to switch their heating system to a regulated, more carbon-friendly fuel in natural gas, which is not as susceptible to sharp price deviations as home heating oil and other fossil fuels.”
You can find out more information on fuel poverty and its consequences here: